Paul Bodine: Perfect Phrases for Letters of Recommendation
If you are a teacher, professor, or employer, you often receive inquiries to provide letters of recommendation or reference. It is not always easy to find the right words to convey your honest opinion on someone....
Rita S. Brause: Writing Your Doctoral Dissertation
Writing a doctoral dissertation may well be one of the biggest challenges in an academic career. It is vital to familiarise oneself with the complexity of this undertaking. For that purpose, Rita S. Brause's little...

Timothy Ferriss: The 4-Hour Body
"The 4-Hour Body" is a book for rule-breakers. Much alike his previous effort, "The 4-Hour Workweek", Timothy Ferriss throws conventional...
Michael Stoner: Social Works
"How #HigherEd Uses #SocialMedia to Raise Money, Build Awareness, Recruit Students and Get Results": More and more universities and colleges identify the value of social media in a balanced marketing strategy. Little...
Thomas J. Hayes: New Strategies in Higher Education Marketing
Developing a marketing strategy, researching the and promoting in the market, successfully managing enrollments and raising funds: "New Strategies in Higher Education Marketing" covers a range of hot topics for...
Paul Gibbs & Michael Knapp: Marketing Higher and Further Education
Universities and colleges aroundthe globe are confronted with increasingly well-informed prospective students that have high expectations for the study programs they ultimately enroll in. Institutions must spend...
Timothy Ferriss: The 4-Hour Workweek
"Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich": The book cover promises a lot of things. But author Timothy Ferriss claims to have achieved all that, following a handful of simple principles. Ferriss himself...
Steve Blank & Bob Dorf: The Startup Owner’s Manual
Young founders face a multitude of challenges and problems. In “The Startup Owner’s Manual”, Silicon Valley veterans Steve Blank and Bob Dorf lead the way from the first idea (almost) to the first million. Blank...
Dale Carnegie: How to win friends and influence people
Dale Carnegie, born in 1888, was a famous American writer and lecturer who gained considerable reputation for his publications on self-improvement and interpersonal communication. "How to win friends and influence...