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Book review

Paul Gibbs & Michael Knapp: Marketing Higher and Further Education

Universities and colleges aroundthe globe are confronted with increasingly well-informed prospective students that have high expectations for the study programs they ultimately enroll in. Institutions must spend an effort on effectively professionalizing their marketing and promotions. This is the premise for “Marketing Higher and Further Education” by Paul Gibbs and Michael Knapp.

The book is a good introduction, efficiently focused to the nuts and bolts of higher education marketing.

On about 150 pages, the book covers, among other things,

  • how an institution can conduct a marketing audit and research its brand perception,
  • how study programs and courses should be designed and priced for different “consumer” groups, which methods are proven for promoting the offerings to the public,
  • how universities can approach companies and alumni to raise funds.

A few short examples from the US and UK give the theoretical foundations provided some more practical relevance. This book is a useful reference for education marketing professionals, particularly those that may not come from a classical marketing background.

Reference-Letter.com Rating:

Marketing Higher and Further Education
Paul Gibbs & Michael Knapp
ISBN: 978-0-7494-3294-2
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